torsdag den 26. november 2009

re uploading old files

Im currently re uploading all rapidshare files, this will take 1 - 2 days, since I can only do it at work, Kaspersky wont accept uploads to mediafire, its kinda boring, but the boring parts first, since its about 90 files I gotta upload again, it will take a little time, hopefully Ill be all done with uploads and new links by the weekend.
Also for any scandinavians reading this: we have KICKBACK booked as the first headliner for next years Fredericia hardcore fest and its also extended for another day, so 3 days total, many more bands in the works as well

1 kommentar:

  1. Andreas aka dommer funch26. november 2009 kl. 08.21

    haha Henrik din gamle mand, kom igang med at uploade noget mere haha.
    Hva har du ikke nogle gode historier om de der voldige franskmænd fra Kickback, du kunne diske op med her på bloggen?
