fredag den 7. oktober 2011
onsdag den 17. februar 2010
awesome blog to check out
Check out my buddys crazy blog, with tons of stuff that I dig, the man makes crazy goodlooking covers for his rips. I hope to see alot posted on the blog. Check out:
tirsdag den 15. december 2009
ANTIDOTE Live at the knitting factory (the old A7) NYC
Antidote | A7 - One Big Crowd - NYC | Dec 6 2008 from (((unartig))) on Vimeo.
One of the most amazing hardcore bands ever period!! 7" still kicks most bands ass, even today.
onsdag den 2. december 2009
H8INC "a clockwork misery" cd
søndag den 29. november 2009
TORMENT "fragileitearmyselfdown" demo Usa
TORMENT "fragileitearmyselfdown" demo Usa.
I guess a really overlooked band, these guys were a vegan sxe band from Carmel city California and released this demo sometime in the 90"s. A shame they never made it further than the demo stage, because I think this demo is really quite amazing, tons of great hooks and some melodic and acoustic parts as well, really really good demo, check it out.

Movin from being very simular to EARTH CRISIS in sound, I think these guys progressed from cd to cd, I think STAMPIN GROUND were one of the best bands that the UK could produce at the time, really an amazing band.
ONE SECOND THOUGHT "Queens style everyday struggle" demo 1997

ONE SECOND THOUGHT "Queens style everyday struggle" demo 1997.
Whoa love OST, especially their mcd is so awesome, also exstremely hard to find around.
MUSHMOUTH "look ahead" demo 1996 Usa
MUSHMOUTH "look ahead" demo 1996 Usa.
I always liked MUSHMOUTH alot, cds were rockin and the demos were pretty good too.
INTACT xxx demo 1996 Usa
INTACT xxx demo 1996 Usa.
Pretty generic and kinda boring demo from INTACT, but Ill post it anyway, maybe someone else would be more into the demo than me.
HARDCORE COMPILATION uprising tapes #1 Sweden

HARDCORE COMPILATION uprising tapes #1 Sweden.
Well well the first release from awesome uprising tapes. Im tipping my hat for uprising, those guys sure came out with some hot releases back then.
GROUNDZERO "play the plague" demo 1996

GROUNDZERO "play the plague" demo 1996.
Second demo from this CT band, I actually like their demos better than the mcd they released.
FURY OF V "reflections of reality" demo 1995

FURY OF V "reflections of reality" demo 1995.
Love or hate the band, the demo is pretty cool, fave song is definitely taste the steel.
mediafire links
All dead rapidshare links have now been replaced with new mediafire links.
New demos comming up tonight
New demos comming up tonight
torsdag den 26. november 2009
re uploading old files
Im currently re uploading all rapidshare files, this will take 1 - 2 days, since I can only do it at work, Kaspersky wont accept uploads to mediafire, its kinda boring, but the boring parts first, since its about 90 files I gotta upload again, it will take a little time, hopefully Ill be all done with uploads and new links by the weekend.
Also for any scandinavians reading this: we have KICKBACK booked as the first headliner for next years Fredericia hardcore fest and its also extended for another day, so 3 days total, many more bands in the works as well
Also for any scandinavians reading this: we have KICKBACK booked as the first headliner for next years Fredericia hardcore fest and its also extended for another day, so 3 days total, many more bands in the works as well
tirsdag den 24. november 2009
Im aware that this blog has not been updated for quite some time, unfortunately I have felt a little overwhelmed to get something done, basicly for a long time my works and studies and private life have been taking most of my time and also being in Florida for a while didnt help either.
I hope I can get the blog rollin abit again, a kid named Hiro also offered to do japanese stuff for it, so I guess Ill email him to tell him to go ahead. Some have been aware that all the rapidshare links are dead, I cancelled the account and will move the files to mediafire instead,Ill see if I can get them uploaded while at work.
Ill try to get my ass into gear so you folks can get some more demos to enjoy, still have a ton to add and I think I have a pile of demos I still need to record digitally.
So what Im saying is that Ill start to get this rollin again asap
I hope I can get the blog rollin abit again, a kid named Hiro also offered to do japanese stuff for it, so I guess Ill email him to tell him to go ahead. Some have been aware that all the rapidshare links are dead, I cancelled the account and will move the files to mediafire instead,Ill see if I can get them uploaded while at work.
Ill try to get my ass into gear so you folks can get some more demos to enjoy, still have a ton to add and I think I have a pile of demos I still need to record digitally.
So what Im saying is that Ill start to get this rollin again asap
tirsdag den 28. juli 2009
LASH OUT fax to stormstrike records

Alright this is pretty cool, Jojo from stormstrike records just mailed me this fax, he just found in his archives, it should be a fax from Håvards Father regarding all the black metal stuff that went on it Norway and how he dont want his son and the band to be involved in this. So I guess the LASH OUT tour was out of the question. Anyway we thought it would be pretty cool to put up here. Sorry to bust your balls Håvard, but it is pretty funny
lørdag den 25. juli 2009
SIX FEET DEEP pictures Usa
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