HATE O FOUR demo 1997 Usa.
Pretty good demo from this gruff straight forward band, nothing groundbreaking, but a pretty descent demo, check it out.
blog about hardcore - punk - vegan sxe - beatdown - old school. this blog will mainly have demos and pictures uploaded. Any contribution with stuff you think would be cool to have here, will be greatly appreciated.
Wow, shocked to see this here as this band is from my home city. I have their live demo and the 7" as well if you're interested. I still listen to them from time to time even today. Always wished they would have put a few more of the tracks from the demos onto the 7", too!
SvarSletHey Andrew
SvarSletyeah ofcourse Il be interested in that live demo and the 7" for sure
I remember when these kids were all vegan straight edge and one by one they old fucking sold out. Assholes then, assholes now.
SvarSletAs you interested in selling your tape?