Only 200 copies were made by Jojo and this is a killer 7". SHAFT were awesome, I really dont get it why people seems not to know or really like this band. I think they kick ass.
blog about hardcore - punk - vegan sxe - beatdown - old school. this blog will mainly have demos and pictures uploaded. Any contribution with stuff you think would be cool to have here, will be greatly appreciated.
First; gotta admire you for once again doing so much by putting so many interesting stuff out here!
SvarSletA question: What kinda stuff did Stormstrike records put out? I saw one 7" on a fleamarket once, just didnt know what kinda stuff it was. I might be ignorant here, but help me :)
Glad to see you back posting!
SvarSletThis is a killer 7", and I had never even heard of this band! Stormstrike was such a great label. Lash Out, Mayday, this... so many unsung classics.
SvarSletI cant remember the full discography of stormstrike, maybe Jojo can post it, i think he reads the blog from time to time, but a bunch of lash out releases, mayday 10" ironside 7" and a few things more.
Andrew thanks yeah shaft were the shit, if you can get their mcd, you should grab it
else Ill post the mcd here soon, since its not in press anymore
SvarSletcheck out H8000 fanzine issue number 3 for a label profile on Stormstrike records
SvarSletcould you post the shaft mcd you mentioned?
SvarSletthanks for this 7"!!
Im fortunate to own a copy of this, awesome record. I dont get why these guys arent more well known.
SvarSletIf you have a minute, check out my blog at crucialwires.blackoffice.org
Oh and just for the record, while these guys were definitely part of the H8000 scene, I think they are actually from Germany not Belgium.