Bands on comp: gainlift - struggle inside - youthless - stance
blog about hardcore - punk - vegan sxe - beatdown - old school. this blog will mainly have demos and pictures uploaded. Any contribution with stuff you think would be cool to have here, will be greatly appreciated.
AWESOME. I absolutely love obscure old 90's compilations like these. I'm finishing the downloads now, and can't wait to check these bands out! Thanks!
SvarSlethe he I still have a ton of comp tapes and such, Ill actually upload one later thats pretty interesting, but Im glad you like this stuff, also check out the contrition demo, very integrity inspired
SvarSletI just listened to this comp and much like the other one, two of the Stance songs are labeled wrong on the back cover of the CD. #15 is actually "Empty" and #16 is "Icon". Another excellent comp!
SvarSletI'll download that Contrition demo later this afternoon for sure!
cool, i took care of it, yeah check out the contrition demo, Ill upload the 1st mcd soon
SvarSletThx a bundle for this, mines been lost since we released it back in the day. Im one of the vocalists from Inner Struggle