This is a comp tape that came free with an old swedish fanzine, I cant remember the name off, but the tape has some pretty interesting bands on it, all swedish but ecorage whos from germany, this came out sometime mid 90"s and this comp rocks hard!
bands on comp: outlast - ecorage - unison - end in sight - uncle - content - new direction - ambition - start today.
Hi.Thx for the link.Oh do you might be interested by live recordings of sexhc bands for your blog?.Please let it me know.Ok.
SvarSletHave a nice day.
Hey jimmy, yeah ofcourse, I like live recordings myself, ill be posting a bunch by INTEGRITY - NYC MAYHEM and STRAIGHT AHEAD + more.
SvarSletLet me know what you have
It seems we share the same passion for demos / live recordings..héhé.I have live recordings of the bands:Conviction,4 Walls Falling,Go,Insight ,Judge,Majority Of One,Outspoken,Supertouch, Underdog,Wide Awake,Uniform Choice ... to name a few ones...Let me know what u think.We should try to find a better way to talk/communicate .. not the better way via this method ... Have a nice evening.
Denna kulturgärning du utför är helt oerhörd. Tappade bort den här kasseten för länge sedan o så hittar jag din blogg och tänker "Undrar om han har..." Mycket riktigt. det hade du. Det enda som fattas nu är om nån kunde lägga upp Situation 187s två demos